*Each pack has 3 pieces of burs.
PC-1 : Pack of 3pcs: for opening enamel and removing dentin
PC-2 : Pack of 3pcs: for operation of small proximal caries
PC-3 : Pack of 3pcs: for preparation of abutment tooth
PC-4 : Pack of 3pcs: for slice cut of proximal surface and feather-edge preparation
PC-5 : Pack of 3pcs: for preparation of molar occlusal surface and cavity
PC-6 : Pack of 3pcs: for finishing of the margin preparation
Pico Burs :-
PC-1 : Pack of 3pcs: for opening enamel and removing dentin
PC-2 : Pack of 3pcs: for operation of small proximal caries
PC-3 : Pack of 3pcs: for preparation of abutment tooth
PC-4 : Pack of 3pcs: for slice cut of proximal surface and feather-edge preparation
PC-5 : Pack of 3pcs: for preparation of molar occlusal surface and cavity
PC-6 : Pack of 3pcs: for finishing of the margin preparation